We wish you weren’t here but so glad you found us.

Miscarriage Mamas Connect

Our goal is to end the stigma of miscarriage and help ensure all mamas get the support they want and need.

– Kayla & Nora


If you are navigating through miscarriage and pregnancy loss,

you are in the right place.  

Nora and Kayla have navigated miscarriage in their own life and are wanting to use their helping spirit and healing hearts to provide support to mamas who are currently going through pregnancy loss.

We know how isolating and lonely this journey can be and want to provide mamas with connection and understanding. We encourage all feelings here and want you to feel validated and know that you are not alone.

Miscarriage is so common (1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage) but is frequently avoided in conversations due to being an uncomfortable topic to many. We want that to change, with conversations comes connection and healing.

Mama, you do not have to grieve and heal alone. There are so many women who understand how you are feeling and are in the same place as you. Our goal is to bring all of them together to form a community where we can have hard conversations and learn & grow together.

We want you to feel safe to ask the hard questions and talk about the topics that people who haven’t experienced pregnancy loss just won’t understand .

Nora and Kayla want to use their past experiences and struggles to help other mamas and be a part of their journey. we would be honored to hear your story and be a support for you during this difficult time.

Meet the Duo

Kayla and Nora are neighbors, friends, & business partners.

  • Kayla has experienced 3 miscarriages. She did not reach out for support and felt very isolated. Kayla wants to use her education in the helping field to support other mamas feeling like she did in the past. This topic holds a lot of importance and significance to Kayla. After researching different resources available to moms going through pregnancy loss, it was evident that not enough help is available and that miscarriage is often overlooked and avoided in society.

  • Nora navigated her first pregnancy and miscarriage with minimal support. After this experience, it was shown how impactful a miscarriage can be and what limited resources are available. With experience in the helping profession, it was clear that making this resource was a perfect fit.

Our Services

  • Podcast

    Our podcast features guest interviews from mamas who are ready to share their story as well as helpful strategies when going through a loss. By encouraging hard conversations we hope to bring connection and healing to other mamas.

  • Blog

    Do you want to share your story but being on the podcast isn’t for you? We encourage you to write about your story and be part of our blog.

    There will also be entries from Nora and Kayla with thoughts and reflections.

  • Membership

    Our Membership site is a place for mamas to join to have access to all of our content surrounding navigating pregnancy loss. There will be content uploaded weekly, including positive affirmations, helpful strategies, and resources. We will also host live Q & A sessions.